Terms of Use

Table of Contents
1. General Information.
2. Your Agreement to the Terms.
3. Changes to the Terms.
4. Provision of the Website.
5. Location of the Website.
6. User Conduct.
7. Terms Relating to Content.
8. Registered Users.
9. Disclaimer of Warranties.
10. Limitation of Liability.
11. Privacy Policy.
12. Copyright Complaints.
13. Termination of this Agreement.
14. Miscellaneous Terms.

1. General Information
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat serves at the 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence in Jeju Island, Korea. Your use of http://icprai2024.org/ will always be subject to, at a minimum, the terms and conditions setout in this document. These are referred to as the “Master Terms.” Inaddition, your use of Website may also be subject to the terms of any legalnotice applicable to the Website, in addition to the Master Terms. All suchterms supplementing these Master Terms are referred to below as the“Additional Terms.” The Master Terms, together with any Additional Terms,form a binding legal agreement between you and ICPRAI2024 Secretariat in relation to your use of the Website.Collectively, this legal agreement is referred to below as the “Terms.” Ifthere is any contradiction between the Additional Terms and the MasterTerms, then the Additional Terms shall take precedence in relation to theWebsite to which the Additional Terms apply.

2. Your Agreement to the Terms
Your access or use of http://icprai2024.org/ in any way signifies that you have read, understand and agree to bebound by the terms. By accessing or using http://icprai2024.org/ you also represent that you have the legalauthority to accept the Terms on behalf of yourself and any party yourepresent in connection with your use of Website. If you do not agree tothe Terms, you are not authorized to use Website.

3. Changes to the Terms
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat may change,remove, add to modify the Terms, and reserves the right to do so in itsdiscretion. In that case, we will post the updated Master Terms orAdditional Terms, as relevant, to the Website and indicate the date ofrevision. We may send a message to your email address, or we may display anotice on the Website indicating that the Terms have changed. All amendedTerms take effect immediately. If you do not agree with any modification tothe Terms, you may terminate this agreement by ceasing use of the Website.Your continued use of Website after revised Terms are effective indicatethat you have read, understood and agreed to those Terms.

4. Provision of the Website
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat Organization makes the Website available to you on the Terms. Youmay only use the Website in accordance with these Master Terms and anyapplicable Additional Terms. In particular but without limitation, you maynot use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by theseMaster Terms, any applicable Additional Terms, or any other conditions ornotices that are made available on any Website.

5. Location of the Website
The Website Services are controlled and offered by ICPRAI2024 Secretariat from itsfacilities in the Korea. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat makes no representations that the Website are appropriate or availablefor use in other locations. If you are accessing or using any Website fromother jurisdictions, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible forcompliance with local law.

6. User Conduct
Users agree not to use the Website Services to:


Post, use ortransmit Content that you do not have the right to post or use, forexample, under intellectual property, confidentiality, privacy or otherapplicable laws;


Post, use ortransmit unsolicited or unauthorized Content, including advertising orpromotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramidschemes,” or any other form of unsolicited or unwelcome solicitation oradvertising;


Post, use ortransmit Content that contains software viruses or any other computercode, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit thefunctionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunicationsequipment or otherwise interfere with or disrupt the Website Services orservers or networks connected to the Website, or that disobeys anyrequirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connectedto the Website;


Post ortransmit Content that is harmful, offensive, obscene, abusive, invasiveof privacy, defamatory, hateful or otherwise discriminatory, false andmisleading, incites an illegal act, or is otherwise in breach of yourobligations to any person or contrary to any applicable laws andregulations;


Intimidateor harass another;


Use or attemptto use another’s account, service, or personal information;


Remove,circumvent, disable, damage or otherwise interfere with anysecurity-related features that enforce limitations on the use of theWebsite;


Attempt togain unauthorized access to the Website, other accounts, computer systemsor networks connected to the Website, through hacking password mining orany other means or interfere or attempt to interfere with the properworking of the Website Services or any activities conducted through theWebsite Services;


Use anymeans to bypass or ignore robot.txt, or other measures we use to restrictaccess or use of the Website Services;


Impersonateanother person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent youraffiliation with a person or entity; or


Post ortransmit any personally identifiable information about persons under 14years of age, including without limitation in connection with the Websiteor the Services offered thereon.

7. Terms Relating to Content
Responsibility for Content. You understand that all material, dataand information, (collectively, “Content”) which you may have access tothrough your use of the Website are the sole responsibility of the personfrom which such Content originated. This includes assertions that personsmay make, expressly or impliedly, about the provenance and ownership ofContent that they supply, upload, list and/or link to. You acknowledge that ICPRAI2024 Secretariat does not makeany representations or warranties about the accuracy, integrity or qualityof the Content made available at the instigation of users of the Website.You understand that by using the Website, you may be exposed to Contentthat is offensive, indecent or objectionable. Under no circumstances is ICPRAI2024 Secretariat liable in any way for any Content,including, but not limited to: any infringing Content, any errors oromissions in Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as aresult of the use of any Content posted, transmitted to, linked to orotherwise accessible or made available via the Website Services.

Content You Provide. You may only submit Content to the Website.This means that you can only submit Content that you yourself create, thatis in the public domain or that you have been expressly granted the rightto submit consistent with the Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, Contentthat infringes the rights of any third party must not be submitted. Yourepresent, warrant and agree that no Content of any kind submitted, postedor otherwise shared by you on or through any of the Website Services,violates or infringes upon the rights of any third party, includingcopyright, trademark, privacy, publicity or other personal or proprietaryrights, or contains libelous, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material.Further, you represent, warrant and agree not to submit any personallyidentifiable information. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat may review your submissions and may delete or remove without noticeany Content in its sole discretion that ICPRAI2024 Secretariat determines violates the Terms or that may beoffensive, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm or threaten thesafety of others. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat does not endorse or support any Content posted by you. You alone areresponsible for creating backup copies and replacing any Content you poston the Website, and you authorize ICPRAI2024 Secretariat to make copies of your Content as we deemnecessary in order to facilitate the posting of your Content on theWebsite.

Use of Contenton the Website. You representand warrant to ICPRAI2024 Secretariat that you willuse any and all Content on our Website in accordance with the applicablelicense. By using the Website, you agree that you are solely responsiblefor your use of any and all Content made available thereon. You agree thatyou must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of anyContent, including any reliance on the provenance, ownership, accuracy,completeness, or reliability of such Content. In this regard, youacknowledge that you may not rely on any Content made available on the Websitewithout your own independent evaluation of that Content. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat does notguarantee that Content made available on the Website does not infringe therights of any third party.

8. Registered Users
By registering for an account on the Website, you represent and warrantthat you (1) are the age of majority in your jurisdiction or, (2) are overthe age of 14 and have the express permission of a legal guardian to becomea Registered User and use Services made available to Registered Users, and youfurther agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions of these MasterTerms and any applicable Additional Terms. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat reserves the right to modify or discontinue theaccounts of Registered Users and related Services at any time. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat disclaims anyand all liability to Registered Users.

Security. You agree to (a) provide accurate, current andcomplete information about you, if and as may be prompted by theregistration process on the any of the Website, (b) maintain the securityof your password and identification, (c) maintain and promptly update yourregistration information and any other information you provide, and to keepit accurate and complete to, among other things, allow us to contact you,and (d) be fully responsible for all use of your account and for anyactions that take place using your account. You may not set up an accountor membership on behalf of another individual or entity.

Termination and Inactivation of User Accounts. Your participation asa Registered User terminates automatically upon your breach of any of theseMaster Terms or applicable Additional Terms. In addition, ICPRAI2024 Secretariat may, at any time: (a) modify,suspend or terminate the operation of or access to your user account for anyreason; (b) modify or change Website and Services and any applicable Termsand policies governing your user account and related Website Services forany reason; and (c) interrupt user accounts and related Website Servicesfor any reason, all as ICPRAI2024 Secretariat deems appropriate in its discretion. Your access to your account, anduse of the Website may be terminated by you or by ICPRAI2024 Secretariat at any timeand for any reason whatsoever, without notice.
In addition, ICPRAI2024 Secretariat reserves theright to delete and purge any account and all Content associated therewithfollowing any prolonged period of inactivity, all as may be determined by ICPRAI2024 Secretariat in itscomplete discretion.

9. Disclaimer of Warranties
To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, ICPRAI2024 Secretariat offers theWebsite and Services as-is and makes no representations or warranties ofany kind concerning the Website services. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat does not warrant that the functions or contentcontained on the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defectswill be corrected, or that ICPRAI2024 Secretariat’s servers are free of viruses or other harmful components. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat does notwarrant or make any representation regarding use or the result of use ofthe content in terms of accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.

10. Limitation of Liability
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat shall not beresponsible or liable whatsoever in any manner for any content posted onthe Website for your use of the Website Services.

11. Privacy Policy
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat is committedto handling responsibly the information and data we collect through ourWebsite and agrees to use your personal information in accordance with thePrivacy Policy and the Terms. The Privacy Policy is hereby incorporated byreference into these Master Terms.

12. Copyright Complaints
ICPRAI2024 Secretariat respects theintellectual property rights of others, and we prohibit users of ourWebsite from submitting, uploading, posting or otherwise transmitting anymaterials that violate another person’s intellectual property rights.

13. Termination of this Agreement
These Master Terms and any Additional Terms will continue to apply untilterminated by either you or ICPRAI2024 Secretariat as set out below. Your right to access and use the Website terminatesautomatically upon your breach of any of these Master Terms or AdditionalTerms that may apply to any of the Website Services. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat may, at anytime: (a) modify, suspend or terminate the operation of or access to any ofthe Website Services, or any portion of the Website Services, for anyreason; (b) modify or change the Website Services, or any portion of theWebsite Services, and any Master Terms, Additional Terms and other policiesgoverning the use of the Website Services, for any reason; (c) interruptthe operation of the Website Services, or any portion of the WebsiteServices, for any reason, all as ICPRAI2024 Secretariat deems appropriate in its sole discretion. Youraccess to, and use of, the Website Services may be terminated by you or by ICPRAI2024 Secretariat at any timeand for any reason. ICPRAI2024 Secretariat will use reasonable efforts to notify you in advance about anymaterial modification, suspension or termination by ICPRAI2024 Secretariat that is notcaused by your breach of the Terms.

14. Miscellaneous Terms
This Master Term constitutes the entire agreement between you and ICPRAI2024 Secretariat relating tothis subject matter and supersedes all prior, contemporaneous and futurecommunications between you and ICPRAI2024 Secretariat.

These Terms of Use are Effective as of 08082023.