Preliminary Technical Program




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Day 1
Session 1: State-of-the-Art Techniques for EEG Decoding
(Chair: S. Choi)
S. Choi
Meta-learning: Towards Fast Adaptation in Multi-Subject EEG
K. Kunanbayev, B. Abibullaev, A. Zollanvari
Nazarbayev University
Data Augmentation for P300-based Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Generative Adversarial Networks
J. H. Jeong,
D.-J. Kim,
H. Kim
Hybrid Zero-Training BCI based on Convolutional Neural Network for Lower-limb Motor-Imagery
14:05~14:20 (15')
D. Kim,
M. H. Kim,
S. W. Lee
Decoding learning strategies extracts generalizable features for decoding decisions
14:20~14:35 (15')
B. H. Kim,
J. W. Choi,
S. Jo
Rank-based Discriminative Feature Learning for Motor Imagery Classification in EEG signals
Break (25')
Spotlight 1
(Chair: T.-E. Kam)
15:00~16:25 (85')
J. Lee, W. Chung Motor Imagery Classification using local region CSP features with high-gamma band
E. Petoku, G. Capi Object Movement Motor Imagery for EEG based BCI System using Convolutional Neural Networks
K.-T. Kim, J. Choi, H. Kim, S. J. Lee Subject-Transfer Approach based on Convolutional Neural Network for the SSSEP-BCIs
M. Shim, S.-H. Lee, H.-J. Hwang Functional connectivity-based EEG features to assist the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder patients
J. W. Choi, B. H. Kim, S. Jo Asynchronous Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interface for Simulated Drone Control
N. Kobayashi, T. Morooka Application of High-accuracy Silent Speech BCI to Biometrics using Deep Learning
S. Hwang, P. Lee, S. Park, H. Byun Learning Subject-independent Representation for EEG-based Drowsy Driving Detection
M. Kim, Y. J. Choi, J. Kim, S.-P. Kim The effect of video distraction on a visual P300 BCI
S. Park, J. Ha, H.-S. Cha, K.-G. Lee, C.-H. Im Development of an Online Home Appliance Control System for the Elderly Based on SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface: A Feasibility Study
B.-H. Lee, B.-H. Kwon, D.-Y. Lee, J.-H. Jeong Speech Imagery Classification using Length-Wise Training based on Deep Learning
S. Olesen, R. Das, M. Olsson, M. A. Khan, S. Puthusserypady Hybrid EEG-EOG-based BCI system for Vehicle Control
C. Liu, D. Yu, J. Zhang, S. Xie A Utility Human Machine Interface Using Low Cost EEG Cap and Eye Tracker
Y.-S. Kweon, G.-H. Shin, H.-G. Kwak, M. Lee Automatic Micro-sleep Detection under Car-driving Simulation Environment using Night-sleep EEG
B. Wan, B. Xiong, J. Huang, P. Yang A Novel SSVEP-based Word Speller Based on Sliding Multi-Window Strategy
K. Kunanbayev, D. Azhigulov, B. Abibullaev, A. Zollanvari Deep Transfer Learning for Subject-Independent ERP-based BCIs
T. Kim, Y. Seo, J. Lee, S. Chae, J. An Brain to Music : Musical Representation from Stress-Induced EEG
G.-Y. Choi, W.-S. Kim, H.-J. Hwang Electroencephalography-based a Motor Hotspot Identification Approach Using Deep-Learning
J.-H. Cho, J.-H. Jeong, M.-K. Kim, S.-W. Lee Towards Neurohaptics: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Decoding Intuitive Sense of Touch
J. Ha, L. Kim A brain-computer interface based meal-assist robot control system
P. Tan, S. Mo, W. Sa Multi-Filters Common Spatial Pattern with NSGA-II-Based Feature Selection in Brain-Computer Interface
B. Koo, D.-H. Kim, J. Ha, L. Kim An approach for assessing arousal characteristics of ASMR using electroencephalographic power
D.-K. Han, J.-H. Jeong Domain Generalization for Session-Independent Brain-Computer Interface
K. Tsuru, A. Inoue Real-time concentration measurement by forehead cerebral blood flow dynamics using NIRS
H. Lim, J. Ku Effect of repetitive neurofeedback training on brain activation during hand exercise
Y. Zhang, S. Le, J. Guo, Z. Song, T. Fang, X. Zhang, G. Zhan, S. Wang, H. Li, J. Tao, J. Liang, L. Zhang, X. Kang Removing Artifacts of Invasive Neural Recording Induced by MRI Scanning
T. Fang, Z. Song, L. Niu, S. Le, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, G. Zhan, S. Wang, H. Li, Y. Lin, J. Jia, L. Zhang, X. Kang Recent Advances of P300 Speller Paradigms and Algorithms
Break (15')
Session 2: Deep Learning for BCI
(Co-Chairs: K.-R. Müller & W. Chung)
16:40~17:05 (25')
K.-R. Müller Technical University of Berlin Analysing Neural Data with Deep Convolutive Neural Networks
17:05~17:20 (15')
A. Partovi,
F. Goodarzy
University of Melbourne A Deep Learning Algorithm for Classifying Grasp Motions using Multi-session EEG Recordings
17:20~17:45 (25')
A. Gramfort INRIA, Univ. Paris-Saclay From Supervised to Self-supervised Learning on EEG Signals
17:45~18:00 (15')
J.-S. Bang,
J.-H. Jeong,
D.-O. Won
Korea University Classification of Visual Perception and Imagery based EEG Signals Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Day 2
Session 3: Semi-Invasive BCI
(Co-Chairs: D. Hermes & H. Kim)
09:00~09:25 (25') D. Hermes Mayo Clinic Multimodal Imaging and Its Relation to Brain-Computer Interfaces
09:25~09:40 (15') S. Ryun,
J. S. Kim,
C. K. Chung
SNUH Dynamic Frequency and Multi-site Cortical Stimulation for Inducing Artificial Somatosensation: A Preliminary Study
09:40~10:05 (25') S.-P. Kim UNIST Decoding Kinematics-driven Neural Representations of M1 Activity for Intracortical Brain-Machine Interfaces
10:05~10:20 (15') Y. Shin,
J. S. Kim,
C. K. Chung
SNUH Proof of Beat Entrainment and its Characteristic
Break (30')
Session 4: Sensorimotor BCI
(Co-Chairs: G. Cuntai & H.-I. Suk)
10:50~11:15 (25') G. Cuntai Nanyang Technological University Decoding & Analysis of Motor Imagery with Deep Neural Networks
11:15~11:30 (15') J. Yang,
S. Cha,
D. Yun,
J. An
DGIST Effects of tDCS on Cortical Motor Facilitation in Performing Motor Execution
11:30~11:45 (15') Z. Cui, X. Fu,
X. Wan, J. Li,
W. Chen,
Y. Li, S. Zhu
Zhejiang University The brain-computer interface based robot gives spinal cord injury patients a full- cycle active rehabilitation
11:45~12:00 (15') K. Won GIST Selective Subject Pooling Strategy to Achieve Subject-Independent Motor Imagery BCI
Lunch (90')
Session 5: Toward Daily-Life BCI Applications
(Chair: H.-J. Hwang)
13:30~13:55 (25') H.-J. Hwang Korea University Brain-Computer Interface Based on Ear-EEG
13:55~14:10 (15') S. Bak,
J. Shin,
J. Jeong
Korea University Mutual Interaction between Genders with Stress or Non-Stress by Positive Stimulus Characteristics Using fNIRS
14:10~14:25 (15') K. Miyamoto,
H. Tanaka,
S. Nakamura
Nara Institute of Science and Technology Emotion Estimation from EEG Signals and Expected Subjective Evaluation
14:25~14:40 (15') C.-H. Lee,
H.-J. Kim,
J.-W. Heo,
H. Kim,
D.-J. Kim
Korea University Improving Sleep Stage Classification Performance by Single-Channel EEG Data Augmentation via Spectral Band Blending
Break (10')
Spotlight 2
(Chair: S.-P. Kim)
14:50~16:05 (75')
Z. Song, T. Fang, J. Ma, Y. Zhang, S. Le, G. Zhan, X. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Li, Y. Lin, J. Jia, L. Zhang, X. Kang Evaluation and Diagnosis of Brain Diseases based on Non-invasive BCI
S. Le, Y. Zhang, Y. Fu, T. Fang, Z. Song, X. Zhang, G. Zhan, S. Wang, H. Li, J. Tao, J. Liang, L. Zhang, X. Kang Implantable Optoelectronic Neural Interface for Optogenetics
X. Zhang, Z. Song, S. Li, Y. Zhang, T. Fang, S. Yan, H. Li, J. Jia, L. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Kang Brain Computer Interface for the Hand Function Restoration
R. Alami, A. Partovi, F. Goodarzy Exploring a Deeper Convolutional Neural Network Architecture with high dropout for Motor Imagery BCI Decoding
P. Wang, Z. Song, Y. Fu, T. Fang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Li, Y. Lin, J. Jia, L. Zhang, X. Kang Application of Combined Brain Computer Interface and Eye Tracking
A. Kabdislam EEG Decoding and Classification using Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks
D.-H. Lee, H.-J. Ahn, J.-H. Jeong, S.-W. Lee Design of an EEG-based Drone Swarm Control System using Endogenous BCI Paradigms
B.-H. Kwon, B.-H. Lee, J.-H. Jeong Motor Imagery Classification Emphasizing Corresponding Frequency Domain Method based on Deep Learning Framework
B. Alchalabi, J. Faubert, D. Labbé Generic BCI Classifiers for Discrimination of Motor Imagery of Left/Right Steps and Forward Walking
S. J. Jang, Y. J. Yang, J. S. Kim, C. K. Chung, J. Jeong Decoding trajectories of imagined hand movement using electrocorticograms for brain-machine interface
M.-K. Kim, J.-H. Cho, J.-H. Jeong Classification of Tactile Perception and Attention on Natural Textures from EEG Signals
G. Zhan, Z. Song, T. Fang, Y. Zhang, S. Le, X. Kang Applications of Spiking Neural Network in Brain Computer Interface
L. Siyu, Z. Deyu, Q. Min, W. Kai, Y. Tianyi Mind Controlled Vehicle Based on Lidar SLAM Navigation and SSVEP Technology
D.-H. Ko, D.-H. Shin, T.-E. Kam Attention-based spatio-temporal-spectral feature learning for subject-specific EEG classification
W. Zhong, S. Alam, Y. Lim, N. Lilith, B. Josefsson, J. Lundberg, M. Bång NIRS-based Cognitive Assessment of Safety-Critical Air Traffic Operations
C. Lee, R.-H. Choi, J. An Deep Neural Network for Drowsiness Detection from EEG
S. Cha, J. Yang, J. An Does FES Contribute to Cognitive Motor Task Discrimination?: An fNIRS study
J. Kalafatovich, M. Lee Subject-Independent Object Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network from EEG Signals
D.-K. Kim, Y.-T. Kim, H. R. Jung, H. Kim, D.-J. Kim Sequential Transfer Learning via Segment After Cue Enhances the Motor Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interface
S.-J. Kim, B.-H. Kwon, J.-H. Jeong Intuitive Visual Imagery Decoding for Drone Swarm Formation Control from EEG Signals
S. Jeong, E. Jeon, W. Ko, H.-I. Suk Fine-grained Temporal Attention Network for EEG-based Seizure Detection
M.-K. Jung, S. Lee, I.-N. Wang, H.-Y. Song, H. Kim, D.-J. Kim Phase Transition in Previous Motor Imagery Affects Efficiency of Motor Imagery based Brain-Computer Interface
K. Sharma, Shri Kalyanji Maharaj Continuous and Spontaneous speed control of a robotic arm using SSVEP
P. Ghane, U. Braga-Neto Comparison of Classification Algorithms TowardsSubject-Specific and Subject-Independent BCI
Y.-E. Lee, S.-W. Lee Decoding Event-Related Potential from Ear-EEG Signals based on Ensemble Convolutional Neural Networks in Ambulatory Environment
Session 6: New Directions/Paradigms for BCI
(Co-Chairs: A. Kübler & J. An)
16:05~16:30 (25') G. Curio Chartié, Berlin Listening to Neural Whisper: Non-invasive Single-trial EEG/MEG Analysis of Evoked Human Cerebral Population Spikes
16:30~16:45 (15') M. Rekrut,
M. Sharma,
M. Schmitt, J. Alexandersson,
A. Krüger
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Decoding Semantic Categories from EEG Activity in Silent Speech Imagination Tasks
16:45~17:00 (15') A. Kübler Würzburg University A Tactile Brain-Computer Interface for Virtual Wheelchair Control at Home
17:00~17:15 (15') J. Bennett,
S. John,
D. Grayden,
A. Burkitt
University of Melbourne Universal neurophysiological interpretation of EEG brain-computer interfaces
17:15~17:30 (15') G.-H. Shin,
Y.-S. Kweon,
M. Lee
Korea University Predicting the Transition from Short-term to Long-term Memory based on Deep Neural Network
Day 3
Session 7: Silent Speech BCI
(Co-Chairs: G. K. Anumanchipalli & S. W. Lee)
09:00~09:25 (25')
G. K. Anumanchipalli
UC San Francisco
Decoding Speech and Language Representations form the Brain
09:25~09:40 (15')
N. Kaongoen,
J. Choi,
S. Jo
Transcranial direct-current stimulation effect on a Speech-magery-based BCI
09:40~09:55 (15')
K. Meng,
D. Grayden,
M. Cook,
S. Vogrin,
F. Goodarzy
University of Melbourne
Identification of discriminative features for decoding overt and imagined speech using stereotactic electroencephalography
09:55~10:10 (15')
S.-H. Lee,
M. Lee,
S.-W. Lee
Korea University
Functional Connectivity of Imagined Speech and Visual Imagery based on Spectral Dynamics


Today's Visits
Total Visits

Address: International Center for Converging Technology, Room 202, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Sengbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea
Tel: +82-2-3290-5920, Business License Number: 314-82-78572
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Last update: 26, Jun. 2019