



   Important Dates


   Call for Papers

   Author Instructions

   Paper  Submissions

   Invited Talks

   Technical Program


   Visa Assistance 

   Venue & Accomodation

   General Information


Dear BCI 2020 participants:

Thank you for your participation to the 8th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI 2020).
Official site:

It is our pleasure to announce you with details for your participation as below.

(1) Registration and Invitation letter

As informed via email, one of the authors must register for the presentation. After registration, please ask for an invitation letter by email (, if necessary.

(2) Hotel Reservation

hotel reservation will be done by attendees.

All booking will be done through online with login ID and PW @

(ID: bci2020 // PW : bci2020)

Please do make sure that you will choose a type between;

  1. Hotel or Condominium
  2. pick the dates and room type described below.

Unfortunately, the information in the hotel reservation webpages are provided in Korean ONLY therefore all international attendees will have to submit the form to the BCI2020 Secretariat and will get confirmed via email once the booking is made.

For international attendees: please do fill out the Room Reservation Formand return to BCI2020 Secretariat by February 15.

This hotel reservation url will be open until February 15th, 2020.

If you wish to stay longer, please do ask for more information from BCI2020 Secretariat.

(3) Technical Program

It will be up online by the end of January @ 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email us.

(4) To Oral / Poster(Spotlight 1&2) presenters
The time listed in the program for each oral speaker includes Q&A.
* You are requested to check your own computer by connecting to the projector in the venue during the break prior to your oral session. Please contact the reception desk to check.

* Your talk session will be announced in the Technical Program of the BCI 2020 official site @

Poster (Spotlight 1 & 2) presenters will be given 3 minutes for their research work presented on the podium. For the spotlight presentations, please use the Attached format for the Spotlight Presentation for your presentation either 1 or 2. Also at the reception desk you will also be provided duck tapes and poster number for your poster on the poster panel. The condition with the asterisk (*) above is applied the same to poster presenters. Please find the conventional poster size at

(5) Direction to High1 Resort & Register @ the reception desk
Please do find the following webpages for your information to come to the venue. We will be held in the Grand Ballroom on the 4th floor of the Grand Hotel (Convention Tower) in High1 Resort, Gangwon Province, Korea.

At the reception desk on the 4th floor of the Convention Tower, you will be provided with your name tag, proceeding, other information you may need for the event. Please provide your name at the reception desk.

In Korean:

In English:

(6) Seasonal Activity(Ski & Snowboard Rental Request)

The rate is open for the seasonal activities including ski and snowboarding equipment rentals. We will receive the rental request until Feb. 15, 2020. After that point, we will not receive any more request. A special rate will be applied only during BCI2020 period. Please check the file in (Korean // English) and submit the form to

(7) Receipts, Invoices or Participant’s Certificate

Please do send us the information you need in the paper. The request will be handled only after the event until March 15, 2020.

(8) Lunch & Banquet
On Thursday, LUNCH will be provided to all participants. (Menu in English found here)

However, if you wish to explore other cuisine, please do wear your name tag so that you will be eligible to get discounts. Please check out the designated restaurants with discount on site.

Banquet is from 18:00-20:00 on Feb. 27@ Grand Ballroom (4F). It will be held in the room next to our session room.

(9) On-site Contact to BCI 2020 Secretariat
Opening Hours of the reception desk @ The Lobby of Grand Ballroom(4F) of Grand Hotel (Convention Tower)
Feb 26 13:00-18:00
Feb 27 08:30-18:00
Feb 28 08:30-12:00
Contact by e-mail:

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.


BCI2020 Secretariat Office:
Located in Korea University
Official Site:


Important Notice!

Dear BCI 2020 participants:

Please note the following important dates.

* Camera-Ready paper submission: Jan. 15, 2020 (Your final paper must use the IEEE PDF eXpress before submission)

* E-copyright submission: Jan. 15, 2020

* Early Registration: Jan. 25, 2020


Also, Paper Submission page is updated. Please check the page before your final paper submission.

More information to prepare your journey to BCI2020 will be provided soon.

-- Paper submission deadline has been delayed. Please submit your paper by the new deadline, November 20, 2019 in Korean Time.

-- Acceptance Notification: Dec. 15, 2019

-- Camera-Ready paper submission: Jan. 15, 2020 (Your final paper must use the IEEE PDF eXpress before submission)

-- E-copyright submission: Jan. 15, 2020 

-- Early Registration: Jan. 25, 2020  

Today's Visits
Total Visits

Address: International Center for Converging Technology, Room 202, Korea University, 145 Anam-ro, Sengbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea
Tel: +82-2-3290-5920, Business License Number: 314-82-78572
대표자: 서유헌, 상호명: 한국뇌교육학회
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Last update: 26, Jun. 2019